
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Is angkringan called a profitable and promising business?

Many businesses in the world, of small to large capital businesses. The types of businesses are as varied as in the fields of mining, education, washing motorcycles, laundry, selling credit, private services, trade, agricultural businesses, plantations, fisheries to culinary. Of all the promising types of business, one of which is a business in the culinary field, especially "angkringan".

How can angkringan be a profitable and promising business?

Because this business that has minimal capital but can earn significant profits around per week. In addition, angkringan is now more sought by young people and all employees who take off tired after they have done their daily routines so the term "chasing after the ball" does not apply to angkringan entrepreneurs today.

There are 6 steps in managing the angkringan business:

  1. Smart Planning
  2. Make the concept
  3. Selling unique and exotic food
  4. Promotion by social media and any affiliations

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Do you like "angkringan"?

Of course, you've heard the word "warung angkringan", right? Everyone will gather at this place even if it's just a hangout ...
This is my favourite when I was young and before marriage.

So, what is "angkringan"?


The Origin of Angkringan

The term angkringan is derived from the word "angkring" or perch which in Javanese means sitting relaxed. 

The concept of this angkringan stall is in the form of a cart topped with a tarpaulin or plastic tents. This angkringan shop is usually open from noon until before dawn. It's just right for young people who like to hang out with money when it's right.

The term angkringan is very identical to the city of Yogyakarta. In the 1950s, the angkringan place was born from this Student City. This angkringan shop has a very popular menu, namely Cat Rice - if the Javanese call it "sego kucing". Why is cat rice a favourite menu? It is said that a long time ago people who visited angkringan were lower caste people. Well, because the ones who buy are small people, then the menu that is served must be appropriate. Besides being cheap, this cat's rice meal 3 or 4 packs also make the stomach full. Usually, side dishes such as dried sambal tempeh, fried anchovies, quail egg satay, intestine satay, claw satay, and milkfish are additional menus. As for drinks, generally sell ginger, ginger milk, sweet tea, orange juice and coffee.

Some angkringan that is quite legendary in Angkringan Pak Jabrik which is located at Malioboro Jogja, one of them is the point.

But there are some HITS angkringan that you should try, guys, when in Jogja as :


Angkringan Lek Man is very legendary in Jogja with a variety of minimalist menus. Certainly, JOSS Coffee is the mainstay beverage served by this angkringan. This coffee is somewhat unique because it served with a hot burning charcoal dip in it. This shop is open from late afternoon until early morning. The location is on Jalan Wongsodirjan, Gedong Tengen, Sosromenduran.

One angkringan that can be a cool place to enjoy hot, sweet, and thick tea or what is often called "nasgitel" tea, is Angkringan Wijilan. Another name for this angkringan is Angkringan Kang Harjo. Located in the Wijilan complex which is famous for its gudeg, this angkringan seems to be an oasis for culinary hunters in Jogja. The exact location is about 500 meters from Wijilan Gate to the south. Located on the west side of the road and looks simple from the outside.



Angkringan Klebengan is famous food for fried food added with sweet soy sauce and side dishes that are warmed or red-burned. This located is close to UGM and UNY at Klebengan, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman. Not infrequently this angkringan became a place of a reunion of former students who had studied at the two campuses.
Angkringan Klebengan is open every day from 5 pm until 2 am.

One of the legendary angkringan in Jogja is Angkringan Nganggo Suwe, which is located at Jalan Pramuka no 106 Yogyakarta. Angkringan Nganggo Suwe has been selling for quite a long time around 1990 aa, the Nganggo Suwe offers food menus starting at 1,500 and drinks starting from 2,000. Angkringan Nganggo Suwe has a special food that is Nasi Bakar (Guri Rice that is burned with banana leaves) not only food drinks also have a distinctive drink and there is no need to doubt that is Wedang Ginger or Wedang Ginger Milk. Wedang Ginger here is different from the others, that is the best quality Ginger, which is combined with good Javanese sugar which also produces the flavour of the ginger drink that good

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Have you heard the term "servant price king"?

Is La Pie, a simple cafe that carries the term above as a warung concept where La Pie is eager to present the "Raja" menu at an appropriate price according to "the pockets of young people" in Indonesia, especially Jogjakarta.

Jogja is a milestone of the Indonesian Nation which up to now still adheres to its customs and culture. So no doubt, when the migrants who become students will surely say that the Kla Project is the one who can always express how they longed for the face of Jogja when they no longer study in that city.

The stall is located in the Kring Kong area precisely on Jl. Peacefully, Kaliurang KM 9 is not a cheap stall. The name La Pie is inspired by the confusion of the Javanese (especially Wong Jogja) who were ejected from something that seemed to return the question of the owner back.

Why do I say this cafe is unique?

Several times I tried to visit La Pie, I saw a very old-fashioned interior and it reminded me of the scent of my childhood like a cup that uses "blirik". Some slang languages ​​and motivational sentences in La Pie seemed to invite visitors to more positive in looking at the realities of life that exist. With a distinctive touch of ancient Java in the 80-90s, the authors conclude that La Pie is a recommendation for young people who want to remember Jogja in earlier times.

And according to the author, La Pie is also an alternative place to "date" the same date who is dating.

So it's ASOY GEBOY, guys!

La Pie itself provides a menu of (approximately) 90 variants, including:

  • Rice + Grilled / fried chicken
  • Fried rice
  • Noodles
  • Kway Teow
  • Cap Cay
  • Chicken satay
  • Chicken Steak
  • Grilled / Fried Sausages
  • Pempek Palembang
  • Cakwe
  • Roasted corn / stew
  • Fried bananas
  • Etc

With a combination of drinks as follows:

  • Bandrek
  • Wedang Sarabba
  • STMJ
  • Sekoteng
  • Wedang Ronde
  • Wedang Uwuh
  • A hot ginger drink
  • Ginger milk
  • Saffron-coloured rice
  • Kunir Asem
  • Coffee brewed
  • Toraja coffee
  • Pure Milk
  • Hot chocolate
  • Etc

Prices according to the update in 2018 start @ 4,000, but for heavy food menu usually in the amount of Rp 10,000-20,000


So for young people who want to "offer the king but the price of servants"? Oteweh to La Pie on Jl. Damai (KRING KRONG) near Banteng Perkasa Housing Estate, Kaliurang KM 9, guys!

image source from